Mission and Vision of the SVb

The Social Insurance Bank (SVb Aruba) performs an essential task in the social insurance system of Aruba. Within this framework, SVb executes five social insurance laws. Every month SVb aims to ensure that a large part of our community receives an income through AO disability days, old age pension, widow’s pension (0), and orphan’s pension.
Since January 1st, 1986, SVb has provided security for its community.


The Social Insurance Bank of Aruba executes the law and agreements in force in the social security framework and provides coverage for all citizens of Aruba.


We provide timely and correct financial security and give efficient service with empathy to our clients.

Tasks of the SVb

SVb is responsible for executing five social security laws all for the benefit of the employee and the people in general. The laws are:

  • Sickness Insurance Law
  • Accident Insurance Law
  • Old Age Pension Insurance Law
  • Widow and Orphan Pension Insurance Law
  • Severance Pay Insurance Law

Read more about our laws: