Accident Insurance

What is accident insurance?

The accident insurance ensures that an employee receives a portion of their salary in case they cannot work due to a work-related accident.
In the event of an insured person’s death resulting from a work-related accident, the accident insurance covers the rights of their spouse, child(ren), or other dependents for their maintenance expenses.

Which employees are covered by the accident insurance?

All employees in the private sector are covered by the accident insurance, with the exception of the following categories of employees:

The following categories of workers are not covered by the accident insurance:

  • The self-employed individuals who work at their own risk and receive payment.
  • The spouse, child(ren), or parent(s) of a self-employed person who works in their own company and does not receive payment or receives payment below the minimum wage.
  • Domestic staff.
  • Captains or navigators on ships under the Aruban flag.
  • Public employees or employees with legal status equal to public employees.
  • Employees working from home.

What is a work-related accident?

A work-related accident is an accident that occurs during work and is related to the execution of the job, resulting in the employee’s incapacity to work.
It also includes accidents that happen on the shortest route to or from work or illnesses that arise as a result of work execution.

What is the compensation for work disability days?

From the second day after the employee notifies the SVb that they are unable to work due to a work-related accident, they are entitled to compensation. All employees receive 100% of their salary during the first year of work disability due to a work-related accident.
After the first year, the compensation becomes 80% of the salary. If the employee becomes permanently disabled, the SVb determines the level of disability. The employee then will receive a percentage of their salary based on their level of disability.

What requirements must the employee fulfill to receive compensation?

To receive the benefits, the employer must enroll their employee with the SVb as an insured person. To obtain compensation for a work-related accident for their employees, the employer must submit a work accident form within one year through the MiSVb portal.
Employees who have had an accident due to prohibited conduct, intentional acts, or serious negligence are not eligible for compensation.

How to receive compensation from SVb?

SVb provides compensation for illness and accident insurance after receiving a request through the MiSVb portal. Requests for payment of ZUK submitted before the 20th of the current month are paid on the 5th of the following month.

What is the premium for the accident insurance?

The premium for the accident insurance ranges from 0.25% to 2.5% of the employee’s gross salary. This percentage depends on the level of risk associated with the job. After an evaluation of the degree of risk, the SVb determines the applicable percentage. The premium is paid by the employer.
It is against the law for the employee to pay the premium or for the amount to be deducted from their salary.

Read more Hazard Classes here.

Passing Away of an Insured Person

In the event of the death of an insured person, SVb must be informed within 30 days of the death. This is to prevent any overpayment of benefits to the employer initially. If the insured person received excessive sick pay, the employer would be required to repay the excess amount.

To report a death, you can send an email to with the following information about the deceased:

  • Full name (including maiden name)
  • Date of birth
  • Date of death
  • Employer(s) where the person was enrolled
  • Death certificate

More information

For more information contact the SVb at telephone number 527-2700, via email at or through this form.