Employer Registration

What is an employer, and why register at the SVb?

An employer can be a person or a legal entity established on Aruba which has one or more employees employed on Aruba or abroad. The employer insures his employee(s) through contributing to the sickness and accident insurance funds. The employer also contributes to the severance payment fund (Cessantiafonds), the old-age pension fund and the widow and orphan pension fund.

When must a company register with SVb?

An employer must register his company with SVb as soon as one or more employees are employed. The owner or director who is a major shareholder (holds 50% or more shares in the share register) cannot be registered as an employee. The owner or director who is not a major shareholder can be enrolled in SVb only if they receive a salary.

When must the employer contribute to the social insurance funds?

The law stipulates that the employer must contribute social insurance premiums as soon as one or more employees are employed. In case the employer registered the employees after they started working, the obligation remains to contribute to the funds from the start of employment and not from the registration date.

Where can the employer register his company?

All registrations and/or changes of companies are done through the MiSVb portal: https://misvb.svbaruba.org.

Documents required to register a sole proprietorship company (Eenmanszaak)

  • Chamber of Commerce registration
  • Bank name and account number.
  • Valid identification (passport, driver’s license, or identity card) of all employees in service.

Documents required to register an NV, VBA, BV of AVV:

  • Articles of incorporation (Statute)
  • Chamber of Commerce registration
  • Bank name and account number.
  • Ordinance (Beschikking) of the Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs regarding the establishment permit.
  • Registration of Shares.
  • Valid identification (passport, driver’s license, or identity card) of all employees in service.

Documents required to register a CV, VoF Company:

  • Articles of incorporation (Statute), Memorandum of Association or Agreement (Akte van Oprichting of Overeenkomst).
  • Chamber of Commerce registration
  • Bank name and account number.
  • Valid identification (passport, driver’s license, or identity card) of all employees in service.

Documents required to register a Foundation or Association:

  • Articles of incorporation (Statute)
  • Chamber of Commerce registration
  • Bank name and account number.
  • Ordinance (Beschikking) of the Ministry of Finance for Economic Affairs regarding the establishment permit (If applicable).
  • Valid identification (passport, driver’s license, or identity card) of all employees in service.

Registration for employees

The employer is obliged to register all new employees with SVb before they start working or on the first day of work.
When an employee enters the service of their employer, the employer must complete the enrollment on the MiSVb portal. The employer begins paying the premium for the new employee from the date they enter service.

How can the employee enroll?

The employee can no longer enroll in SVb. Only the employer can do this through our MiSVb portal.

Changes in Employment Status

When there are changes in an employee’s status, the employer must notify SVb about this. This is applicable but not limited to:

  • When a new employee enters service.
  • When there is a change in the employee’s marital status.
  • When there is a salary increase for the employee.
  • When there is a change of address of the employee.
  • When there is a change in employee function.
  • When the employee is no longer in service.

When the employer does not enroll nor cooperates with SVb

When an employee starts in his employer’s service, the employer must cooperate with the employee to be insured with SVb insurance. The obligation to be insured does not depend on the probationary period, length of employment, or the number of work hours (part-time).

Termination of Insurance

The employee’s entitlement to benefits terminates when the employee is no longer in service. The employer can report this through the MiSVb portal. The employer owes premiums for the employee until the date the employee is no longer in service.

More information

For more information contact the SVb by phone at 527-2700, via email at info@svbaruba.org or through this form.