SVb Premium Payments

How can the employer/company make payments to SVb?

All SVb payments are done via bank payments. Payments can be made to the following bank accounts:

Premiums Sickness Insurance/Accident Insurance (ZV/OV)

Aruba Bank 19 22 616
RBC Bank 30 59 499
Banco di Caribe 801765-01
Caribbean Mercantile Bank 92 39 3106

Premiums Severance Pay (Cesantia)

Aruba Bank 19 22 517
RBC Bank 12 60 243
Banco di Caribe 822014-01
Caribbean Mercantile Bank 90 27 3501

It is recommended to specify the employer code (werkgeverscode – 6 number code) as well as the type of premium for which payment is being made, along with the period and bill year or if it is for a payment arrangement.

Who does SVb hold responsible for payments?

If a company or employer fails to make payments or to pay fines it received, the following person(s) will be held liable for payment:
-For an employer that does business on Aruba, this can be the management of a Limited Liability Company (Naamloze Vennootschap or N.V.) or Foundation (Stichting). If there is more than one owner/employer, all of them can be listed as personally liable.
– For an employer who does not live in Aruba or who is not established in Aruba, the following can be held liable for payment:

  • The person who manages the company in Aruba.
  • The person who represents the company in Aruba.
  • The person who manages the work in Aruba.

What is the process for collection and payment?

After the registration in MiSVb, the payment is calculated based on the salaries of the employees registered at SVb under the company. Each month a new invoice is generated on the MiSVb portal.

Appealing against collection

If an employer disagrees with the invoice, they can file an appeal within two months with the Premiums Department (Premieheffing). In the appeal, the employer states why he disagrees with the invoice of SVb. Subsequently, the employer may request a suspension of payment from the Enforced Collection Department (Invordering). To obtain a payment suspension, you must submit a stamped copy of the appeal to the Collection (Invordering) Department.

Collection letter and fine

If the employer does not pay the premiums they will receive a collection letter (aanmaning) for the open invoices, and in addition they will receive a fine on top of the open invoices. This fine ranges from 20% to 100% of the unpaid premium, with a minimum of Afl. 100,-. Upon receiving a collection letter, the company must pay the premium and the fine of the collection letter.

Appeal against the collection letter

If an employer disagrees with the collection letter, he may file an appeal against it with the Enforced Collection Department. In the appeal, the employer states why they disagree with SVb’s collection letter.

Appealing after an appeal to SVb

After receiving SVb’s final decision on the invoice or collection letter, the employer can also appeal to the ‘College van Beroep’ within three weeks after receiving SVb’s decision in writing. The appeal by letter should be addressed to:
College van Beroep
Inzake (ZV, OV, AOV, AWW of Cesantia)
Wayaca 33 E
Oranjestad, Aruba

Procedure after receiving the invoice and collection letter

In case the employer is unable to make payments a payment agreement can be arranged with SVb. If the employer cannot meet its obligations and does not reach a payment agreement, the employer will receive a court order (dwangschrift) after 30 days of receiving the collection letter. The employer will then receive a court letter (bevel) with order to comply with the payment, delivered by a SVb bailiff (deurwaarder); or to report to the enforced collection department within 2 days.
If the employer still does not react to the court order and letter, they will receive a confiscation order or SVb will start a third party seizure (vordering aan derden).

Premium Summary

More information

For more information contact the SVb by phone 527-2700, via email of through this form.